Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 3

We took our time this morning getting out of the hotel. Our first destination was Devil’s Tower. It was gorgeous weather, about 73 degrees and sunny. We made it to Devil’s Tower, looked in the visitor’s center, and took a trail around the monument. We saw 9 climbers brave enough to take on the challenge of Devil’s Tower. The walk was very enjoyable. Even though it was pretty warm outside, much of the path was shaded so it was perfect walking weather.

Devil's Tower

Then we were off to Yellowstone by way of winding our way back through middle of nowhere Wyoming to I-90. The scenic route we took through the Big Horn Mountains was incredible. There were lots of curves, but it was awesome to see the change in the landscape and feel the change in the weather. There was a place to stop by a waterfall. Jon said it was the fastest running waterfall he had ever seen. We could hear it from thr road it was so thunderous. So we stopped here to take some pictures and take a short walk. Then we continued our route through the mountains.

Shell Falls Interpretive Site

We literally drove where there was hardly anything, other than going through a couple small towns. One town had a population of 50. While on the highway out of the last small town, we saw only a handful of cars, but had an incredible view of the sunset.

We traveled through most of Wyoming and made it to Cody to stay the night in a Super 8.

Yellowstone tomorrow.

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